Mobility Audit

Corporate Mobility Management

Extensive data-driven analyses as well as customised measures allow an improvement of corporate mobility along 3 dimensions.

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Mobility optimum

Let's jointly quantify your company's potential for corporate mobility.

Efficient commuter mobility

Sustainable, cost-effective and healthy mobility for your employees

Easily accessible and safe locations

Even during the Covid 19 crisis: optimise accessibility on foot, by bike and by public transport; assess social distancing on site to protect your employees

Customised measures

Comprehensive workshop to derive the most effective measures with added value for mobility, HR and CSR

Customised workshop
Employee mobility, simply put
Interactive visualisation of mobility indicators and the accessibility of the company location. Modelling of different scenarios in commuter mobility. Depending on your needs physically at your company site or online.

How UPSCORE creates the Mobility Audit

Measurable improvements in 3 steps



Collection, analysis and visualisation of all quantitative and qualitative data relevant to the assessment of the status quo of mobility in the company.

Data collection

We support you with data collection, for example with employee surveys. The focus is on commuter flows and modal split.


The data is aggregated and visualised. An appealing presentation provides you with an overview of the status quo.

Key mobility figures

The status quo is quantified using mobility indicators. A clear set of facts and figures as a proper preparation for the next steps.


Mobility Score

The Mobility Score illustrates how well developed corporate mobility currently is. The Mobility Optimum shows the potential for improvement.

Status quo and optimum

The mobility optimum simulates the upper limit of your improvement potential. Based on this, your personal, current Mobility Score can be created: The assessment of your status quo 

Commuter flows, mobility indicators and passenger kms

The ideal form of mobility is determined anonymously for each employee. On foot, by bike, public transport, or by car? The costs for the company and employees as well as travel time, environmental and health effects are taken into account.



In a customised workshop, measures are derived to exploit the optimisation potential and to get closer to the mobility optimum.

Presentation and discussion

The key figures and visualisations derived in steps 1 and 2 as well as the Mobility Score and the mobility optimum are discussed, put into the right context and evaluated together.

Evaluation of measures

With a package of measures tailored to your company, we suggest how you can turn your corporate mobility more cost-efficient, environmentally friendly and social. The measures are evaluated together and the next steps are derived.


Optional step: Future of work

Probably the most pressing issue in HR departments at present: How do I protect my employees? The COVID-19 pandemic poses a major challenge for companies. We support you in assessing daily employee movement, taking into account minimum distance regulations.

Derivation of strategies for job relocation (home office, other company locations, coworking office…)

Analysis of critical company locations as well as building sectors, floors, corridors and entrances with increased infection risk

Analysis of mobility behaviour to identify critical arrival and departure times 

Derivation of strategies to disentangle the start and end times of shifts and regular internal or external meetings

Evaluation of data sources for contact tracing, e.g. access cards, video data, user data of carsharing or carpooling schemes…

Evaluation of contact tracing options

A new perspective on the Corona crisis

Just as our globalised society is realising where old, inhibiting structures should be dismantled and instead flexibility and resilience should be built up, we are convinced that companies too can see the present as an opportunity and arm themselves for the future. With the Mobility Audit we support you in seizing this opportunity.

Gregor Alexander


Mobility advisor &

und contact person for mobility audits

Contact us now

Do you want to protect the environment, improve the health of your employees and save costs at the same time?

As a passionate climber, I know how difficult it can be to find the best path. Progress is often only possible by adopting a new perspective.

I will be happy to assist you in this!